
Do you know what I've been doing all weekend? Hibernating in my home, heater full blast (it's bitter cold outside), and losing myself on Pinterest, a visual bookmarking site. I am thoroughly amusing myself finding photos on the the web and pinning them to my inspiration boards on Pinterest.

Yes, lots of hours that I could be... well...doing chores or reading a book perhaps...but this is way too much fun! Can't wait to share some of my favorite photos with you.

Hope you're enjoying your weekend!

photo credit: Vincent Olivet


Flaviana said…
Hello Lynn
thanks for stopping by and for your kind comment. I know, that pic is dreamy but unfortunately I don't know who is from, I found it on another blog..!
I hope you have a fab day!
Oh my, I can't imagine having the heater on right now... I wish I could, though! Enjoy your cocooning and web-surfing! :)

highheeledlife said…
That bed is breathe taking ( minus it being in water) I could just curl up and read or enjoy a nap.... Have a great week-end HHL
Di Overton said…
After what seems an age I am back in the fold.
New website DONE
New collaboration DONE
and at last a post telling everyone who I have been collaborating with. If you have a nosey gene, as I have, then pop over and see.
PS I could do with a lie down in that bed
Unknown said…
seems we where both in a fairytale, cinderella mood this weekend!!



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