I Got the Blues...

Hoping you all had a wonderful weekend! Lots of graduations and celebrations.

It's been horribly cold & rainy in San Francisco and doesn't look too good on the horizon. Easy to just curl up in bed and pin pretty photos on Pinterest. So, I thought I'd share some images of my favorite hue of blue...

Have a wonderful week ahead!

images: 1. unknown 2. Eleonore Bridge 3. Bassett Road 4. Gil Gautier 5. unknown 6. Bator Horbath 7. unknown 8. L. Anton 9. Making Magique


FrenchBlue said…
You have the blues because it is time to come now not later!!
lisa golightly said…
SO Yummy !
Connie said…
Just discovered Pinterest...love it. I'll check out your boards...I'm sure they're inspiring!
If that is what getting the bluesw is like then I want to get them!!!!!Pretty!Maryanne xo(also I'd love some cold rainy weather about now)))))
24 Corners said…
Hope you see the sun soon...our sun finally showed up this weekend...so nice!
Lovely way to have the blues though...
xo J~
Jonna said…
Lovely pics! The blue tulle skirt is super cute.

Jonna xx
wow! these hues are truly wonderful
wow, these hues are truly wonderful

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