Want to be Featured?

Have you ever purchased anything from Paris Hotel Boutique? I would love to showcase you and your pieces on this blog and see how you've displayed them in your home. I'm sure a lot of readers here want to see your collections too. Doesn't this sound fun? Here's how you can participate:

  • Snap a minimum of one photo of your home/space, or a vignette that includes at least one item you purchased from our shop. If you want us to do a full house tour, take several shots and we'll take it from there!
  • Give me a brief description of the piece and how you've integrated it into your space. If it's a piece of jewelry, perhaps there's a sentimental story attached to it. If it's a piece of hotel silver, perhaps it's the hotel you honeymooned or where your parents were married.
  • You don't have to be a professional photographer! You snap the photos and I'll do the adjusting.
  • Shoot me an email at info@parishotelboutique.com and attach the photos/descriptions.
  • Voila! I'll blog about you. {Also, for privacy purposes you don't have to include your full name. If you'd like, just a first name and city would be perfect.}

Let's go! Can't wait to see your houses!

image from here


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