Bygone Fashion Photography: Walde Huth

Fellow blogger Deborah from Design Cracker, has been collecting Walde Huth's photography for about 15 years. I had never heard of her before, but am familiar with some of her beautiful images.

Born in Germany in 1924, Huthe later had a career as a portrait, theater and fashion photographer.

She studied photography in the 1940's. She then worked on commissions for textile companies and leading German fashion magazines, and she was one of the first to use color photography for these subjects. She was commissioned by the Frankfurter Illustrierte to take photographs in Paris (1954-6) and by Freundin and Elegante Welt to photograph in Florence (1956).

You may have seen this image above. So beautiful!

To see more of Huth's work, as well as more fashion photography, visit My Vintage Vogue. Jessica has amassed the most amazing collection of vintage photography. You can also see her photostream here on Flickr.
photos from My Vintage Vogue