Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Happy Chinese New Year to all who celebrate!

According to Chinese astrology, 2011 is the Year of the Rabbit which is associated with good luck, longevity and the accumulation of wealth.

If you want to have some fun, click this link to find out what your Chinese Zodiac animal is and short explanation. I am the Year of the Rat. The Rat! One of the things it says about the Rat is "as soon as a rat earns money, he spends it." Well, they could be right!

Anyway, Gung Hay Fat Choy!


vicki archer said…
Rabbit does sound appealing Lynn...and Rat ....sounds like to see mine....xv
Always been fascinated with the Chinese and their assocation with the animals and the year. Rabbit and good luck, and longevity sure works for me!
Glad I found your site.....please vist me too....since you are a French lover as well. We are building our dream home (french) and its a blog to talk about our journey as well as my love for fine decor/design.Hope you will visit...I will be back!
lily said…
Thanks a lot for the good article.
Hi Lynn!
My favorite Chinese New Year was spent in Guess Where? San Francisco. I always have fond memories of it. Gung Hay Fat Choy to you!Maryanne xo

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