Thankful for Green Bean Casserole.

What would Thanksgiving dinner be without that traditional green bean casserole?

This dish created by Campbell's soup in 1955 has become a staple for the Thanksgiving meal. Oh sure, you can try versions with fresh green beans and various sauces, but personally, give me the canned string beans and the good old Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup. I love the crispy onion layer on the top.

This is the perfect comfort food. I even saw Trader Joe's had their own version. I so wish I had my Grandmother's plastic casserole tray that she used to serve it in. It was so retro cool --was oven-proof and everything.

Here are a couple of other classics Thanksgiving dishes mentioned on one of my favorite blogs, Old Hat. Let's give them a nod...

We have the very 60's ambrosia salad. Who can resist that mixture? Personally I love it...

I'm not sure about how I feel about tangy creamed turkey casserole. I think I'd rather stick with the traditional turkey.

Do you have any favorite dishes that make a traditional appearance on your Thanksgiving dinner table?

...oh, and if you'd like any of the above recipes, I'm happy to post, but figured you already had them ;)


Jennifer said…
It's funny - I don't like any of the above but my family sure does - so I make them! I like plain baked sweet potatoes, mashes turnips and mashed potaoes. Being Italian - my family always serves lasagne - as if theres not enough food - lol.Jennifer jennsthreegraces Blessings to you on Thanksgiving!
Anonymous said…
Ha! Martha Stewart had an "upscale" version of the green bean casserole in her magazine one year, with everything being made from scratch (no canned soup) and crispy fried shallots on top. I made it, and I think it took me 3 hours or something crazy like that, and it turned out to be not nearly as good as the Campbell's version. Live and learn!
Thea said…
I'm from an American Italian household and grew up having anti pasta (cheeses, olives, meats), then a lasagna, then a celery-olive salad, AND THEN the traditional turkey and everything that goes with that, and dessert after that! We wonder sometimes how we ate all that we are down to the traditional stuff only, but some of my NY family still does the whole Italian thing...and here in Colorado we ponder a re-visit to our Italian roots someday...maybe just to be nostalgic.
Cashon&Co said…
You know I live in the South and didn't have my first Green Bean Casserole until about 10 years ago. So it's kind of a new dish to me. Same for the ambrosia. My mom is not from the US so I have fun discovering American Classics as an adult! We had cranberry ambrosia at my inlaws. It was good. My kids just picked out the marshmellows of course. But I do make my Great Great Aunty's cranberry jelly that has been in our family since the early 1900's. Yummmmmm