Ladies, Can You Wear Heels?

This topic is very random, but seeing stilettos in every shop or magazine spread is making me wonder, who wears them? Obviously someone is. Even Oprah does.

The other day I posted a photo of some beautiful pink stilettos. I started thinking about how "unglamorous" I've become. Okay, I'm 50 years old, but can't wear more than a 2-3 inch heel. I'm so clumsy, that I fall without shoes on. Ask a few of my friends and they'll tell you some funny stories about my falls.

My cousin came up to visit after Christmas and we hit some big shoe sales. She ended up buying 5 pairs of stilettos! That's right. She's 50 as well. How can she wear them?

Louboutins? Even if they were affordable, couldn't do it. And oh how I love the red soles...

I'm wondering, do you wear heels? I know it's a silly question, but still a little puzzled about my 5'4" cousin (who's 50) wearing 6 inch heels!


vicki archer said…
Oh yes I do....but not every day! Love them and I don't wear them as much as I should. You have to get used to the pain's the only way...they will never ever be comfortable ;) xv
Karena said…

I can for just a few hours at a special event. I just love being comfortable though!

My sister can and it is amazing.

Art by Karena
Amy Huff said…
Nope, but I keep coveting them and have a few in the closet that I couldn't resist even if I just gaze at them in awe.
Lissette said…
I love wearing heels but I live in NYC and I cannot wear them for more than a few blocks or running up and down subway platforms. In a perfect world, I could afford to cab it everywhere in 5" stilettos but until then, I pack flats to walk in and heels to switch into when I get to my destination!
Divine Theatre said…
Even my flip flops have heels! LOL!
Unknown said…
Six-inch heels...that's some balancing act.
I do remember my first trip to Italy...Rome, cobble-stones and gorgeous four-inch heels! Makes my arches ache just to ponder it.
I love the way heels make me feel (not the achy-foot part) but elegant, sexy.
Sadly I find myself wearing them less and less (50+), happier in my moccasins or flip-flops, but every now and again...
katiedid said…
When I was in my 20's, I wore stiletto's to work every day....and we are talking retail management. My toes were permanently numb for years. I am sure I had nerve damage. Thankfully they are no longer numb because I stopped wearing these little foot torture chambers. Now only at special events where I can sit down for most of it!
JulMiron said…
)))))))) baby so nice!
Anonymous said…
Not 6" anymore, but - yeah, I wear hills sometimes - but only for 'going out".
Once a former love asked me how could I do it, they look so unstable! - and I said "with gusto!"
Unknown said…
Love heels!
And i have to say, I often over dress for Sunday church just for the heels!
Great photo
Beth said…
Heels? No way! I'm 50-something, and when I go shoe-shopping, it's all about comfort. High heels look great, but they're not for me anymore. P.S. Oprah puts on her heels at the last minute before she comes out on stage for her TV show! ☺
Shelley said…
I wear heels when I don't need to walk very far - like from the car into the pub. All the rest of my life I walk a lot and heels just aren't practical. My mom taught me to take care of my feet - painful shoes are not acceptable. At 55 I want to live long and healthy and mobility is key to that. A 2-2.5 inch heel is sufficient for me. Any higher and it needs to be a stacked heel or something really comfortable - or just for show, but that's not really part of my life. Bill's ex-wife (also in her mid-50s) insists on wearing the latest fashion. She's just recovered from breaking an ankle and she put on another 20 pounds while she was laid up. I already knew my mind, but this served well as a reinforcement.
TIG said…
practically live in them, unless i am at the gym, of course :)
soozeedoozee said…
In my early career, I wore 3-4" heels every day and would not have dreamed of flats. Funny what 35 years, 3 foot surgeries and doctor's advice can do to your shoe shopping experiences. It was fun while it lasted.
Thanks for sharing your "shoe stories!" All I can say is I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't wear stilettos!!

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