9 By Design Tonight!

"Husband and wife design team Bob and Cortney Novogratz, owners of the NYC based design firm, Sixx Design, and stars of Bravo's newest docu-series "9 by Design." For more than a decade, this young, hip and artsy couple have developed and designed unique properties in Manhattan, rebuilt entire blocks in the city, and turned funky into fabulous with taste and confidence." And, may I add, they have 6 kids...that's right 6, and a baby on the way!!
If you get Bravo and have a chance watch this show tonight, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Hope it's not on during American Idol or I have a choice to make!
I was surprised at how they handled everything. They were pretty calm most of the time. Their children seemed very happy and excited to move "again". I liked how the Dad ran around the house taking photo's of them in different rooms. At one point, in the bathtub with all the kids. Great idea to say goodbye to your home.
I will be watching again to see how they handle the new baby! They are an amazing family!
Can't wait to see what they take on next!
I haven't watched it yet but it looks interesting!! I meet Eddie last Dec. at The Pointe when he and Jaithan did a tour there. They are terrific guys and a lot of fun to hang out with:)
The family is gorgeous, brilliant and funny. The designs are magnificent and they shop at the flea markets to get stuff. It's fabulous, but then I'm a major Bravo fan! What did you think of it?