Living In...

Looking for a fun read & visual? Floral designer Amy Merrick contributes a weekly column at design*sponge called, "Living In," where she dissects the styles of her favorite films. Her round up of products and clever commentary are quite entertaining. Here are a couple of my favorites, The Sound of Music, of course...

"Whatever your feelings about musicals now, it’s undeniable that every little girl has dreamed of living in The Sound of Music at one point or another. Most first viewings happen at such a young age that being 16 going on 17 seems an utter impossibility. It’s hard not to still dream about singing on mountaintops, dancing in gazebos or picnicking in fine Alps form."

"The curtain-made clothes get a lot of play, but how about the girls’ sweet sailor uniforms? The movie blends a charming mix of Fraulein Maria and Captain Von Trapp — a little free spirited and a little fancy, too. Whatever camp you fall into, there are a few simple things on which we all can agree: Rain drops on roses and whiskers on kittens win out every time."

Speaking of all-time favorite, The Godfather. Here's Amy's round-up and some of her commentary...

"The long alfresco dinner parties, bottles of wine, wildly handsome Al Pacino and crumbling Italian mansions all make me want to wimper with greedy wanting. But I’m about 90% sure that my obsession with the Corleone, Italy scenes stem from the mere presence of Apollonia, Michael Corleone’s albeit brief bride. Hello, girl crush of my life. I have spent many a tearful night begging god to turn me into a 17 year old, rural Italian bombshell, but no. Hence my constant hunt for a bit more godfather bits to add to my life. – amy m."

my dog Vito Corleone & I at the Godfather desk

And speaking of "living in" the Godfather, I just returned from visit Francis Ford Coppola's winery in Napa County. They have a Godfather museum with some of the artifacts from the film. Yours truly was thrilled to stand next to the actual desk used in the movie!

Be sure and check out Amy's column here and have a fabulous weekend!

all images from design*sponge


So fun this post is!!! Nice pairings of objects and pictures....Maryanne xo

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