What Color Was Your Room?

I was a "pink" girl and still am. I swoon for the color pink, even though nothing in my house is pink except for my day planner.
I thought I'd share some pretty retro images I found online since I'm in "pink" mode. Let's go back in time for a moment...

I always imagined bridesmaids dressed in pale pink, and funny...mine were. Well, actually it was fuchsia pink!
What fun it was going to the movie house...

image credits: 1. Oobi via The Happy Home 2. Kimberly Chorney 3. Cairlinn 4. Simply Hue 5. Beth Retro 6. Beth Retro 7. A Field Journal 8. Marie's Shots 9. lindatinne 10.shoot-me-now 11. lifelovepaper 12. Martha Stewart Weddings 13. Bob Gomel via Life Magazine 14 & 15. Jen Zahigian 17. Room No. 13 18. Gut Instinct
But I still love that room and loved staying in it every time I came home.
I was a designer at birth, so every year for my birthday all I wanted was to re-do my bedroom. My mom helped me paint of hang wallpaper, and looking back I am surprised to remember at one time it was a very soft pink wallpaper with butterflies, it was also green and yellow, blue, blue, yellow, and purple once. As an adult I am much more subdued, For me it's either white or pale aqua. Great post!
Thanks for your comment.. I am happy to report that I found my dog. Someone took him to animal control and after calling them non-stop they finally found a dog that fit his description! He is totally worn out from the ordeal...glad last week is over with :-)
x Trina