
Friends, we've all be through losses and grief and it's such a difficult time to get back in the real world. I'm an only child, so there's not too many people that I can share stories with about my Mom. Thankfully, I have the support of my husband, family and friends and YOU all. I may be a bit distant in the near future...the news was shocking and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. My Mom's favorite flower was a rose and my middle name is Rose, so I dedicate this to the beautiful roses that symbolize my Mom.
Thank you dear Mom for all that you taught me, the enthusiasm and excitement you instilled in me, how to be kind to others, your deep generosity, the "little girl" qualities that you carried until the end, being there for me for every moment of my life. You will be missed so much Mom.
As an only child, I can relate to your need to share and remember your stories with someone. I always wonder what it would be like to have a brother or sister now that I'm an adult.
I'm glad to see that you have a dear husband and close friends nearby to help you during this time {and blog friends as well}.
Take care,
--Lee Ann
I lost my mom in 2003, and fully know the pain. It's beyond words, and truly respect your time to heal. My mom's middle name was Rose, too, and truly she was sweet, kind, loved to garden, where I often envision her in Heaven, looking like she's 20, in a light blue gossamer gown, in her garden of love.