Happy Weekend + Find the Photo!

Another pretty photo found on Pinterest. Does anyone know who to credit for it? First one gets a little prize. I love this game.

We have a winner!! Thanks to Kate on Facebook for finding the photo. Hats off to Cary Crusiau for the gorgeous photo found on Flickr here!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Claudia Fabiana said…
I just love the photo! Wishing you a fun weekend!

Cyndy said…
Great photo! I have repinned it. I pin all things bicycle/romantic...Love Pinterest - totally addicted. I was able to trace it back to here. But having a little difficulty getting Zilverhaartje post to open. This is as far as I got...very fun game!
http://singing-is-deceiving.tumblr.com/post/7530620015? Zilverhaartje posted it on Tumblr.
Thanks Cyndy and Fabiana! We just found the source from a Facebook fan. Lovely photographer Cary Crusiau. Photo on Flickr! Have a wonderful weekend!
Lisa & Alfie said…
Only place I could find it on was www.weheartit.com
Does that help?
Lisa and Alfie
Lisa, found the source...thanks for trying...read my comment above...

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