Toilet Hunting...

Our house was built in 1939 and I absolutely love the green basin and tub. Problem is that the toilet had been replaced at one time and now it's on the verge of history. I refuse to get white, so I'm scouring around for replacement toilets.

This basin (above) was found on They have some wonderful vintage fixtures, but I can't seem to find a complete toilet and I refuse to go with white. It has to be green!

It's so hard to find the right design and color, but Church Toilet Seats has a great toilet matcher chart. You use it by manufacturer and find your color number. Found out that mine is Surf Green.

So now I'm off to toilet salvage yards to see if I can't find myself a green toilet!
If you're looking to remodel your bath and retain original fixtures, here are some great sources:
Period Bath
Church Toilet Seats
Toilet Salvage
Also, Retro Renovation is a great source for vintage remodeling. Happy hunting!
Good luck in your search. XXXX
Joan, oh my, I'm going to have to take a ride over to Ohmega!!