Your Wishes and the Winners...

Thanks to all of you for your beautiful birthday wishes. What an amazing group of blogging friends you are!
Let me just say that I was totally blown away by your comments for the birthday giveaway. Your thoughts, imagination and dreams were truly inspiring. If you didn't have a chance to read them, some of the most popular "dream birthday wishes" were about travel, namely Paris (but, of course!) I'd like to share a couple more wishes that were truly touching and imaginative...
• A kidney & pancreas for my wonderful brother.
•Shopping and lunch excursion with my daughter and then an amazing dinner with the rest of my family. I think the simple things are what I cherish the most.
•Family, friends, and lots of good food at my beach house. I don't really have a beach house, that is part of the dream. :-)
•All my health problems to disappear so I can enjoy life more.
•Shave 30 years off my actual age for about 30 days and see if i couldn't redo some choices a little differently.
• The ability to grant wishes!
Okay, I've left you hanging long enough. After a random selection of numbers, the winners of the Mega Birthday Giveaway are...
Christi (The Ultimate Wedding Organizer & Kai Perfume Oil)
Vicki Archer (IOMOI stationary gift set)
Carol Ludwig ($50 Gift Certificate from Paris Hotel Boutique)
Vicki Archer (IOMOI stationary gift set)
Carol Ludwig ($50 Gift Certificate from Paris Hotel Boutique)
Big thanks again to Mindy Weiss, and Irene Chen & Matthew Grenby, of IOMOI, for generously offering these fabulous goodies! And for helping to select the winning numbers!
Winners, please contact me with your address so that I can send you your gifts!
Thanks again everyone. May all of your wishes come true!!!

photo credits; 1. ozfan22, 2. beth retro, 3. *dragonfly*

photo credits; 1. ozfan22, 2. beth retro, 3. *dragonfly*
Mant congrats to the winners of your birthday giveaway. Such a generous one too. How lovely to be receiving one of those gifts. Hope that you had the best of birthdays and here's to 50 more !!
Have a great week. XXXX
Hope your birthday is the beginning of many more wonderful years..
Those wishes you posted are so sweet..heartbreaking and real.. they put life in perspective don't they... Congratulations to all the lucky winners..
Xoxo, Tawa
I just wanted to say again, how surprised and thankful to you I am for winning the contest. It's not everybody who gives gifts to other people on their own birthday !
XO Carol
P.S. I think I had one of those dresses in that photo....Cute !
Can't wait to take a look at Romantic Homes, too.