Wanna Play Sleuth?

I've been goofing off again pinning some favorite online photos to Pinterest. I came across this magical image of a floating island from Tumblr. Once again, I can't find any image credits for it. This is becoming a running theme for me, now it's your turn to to take a stab at it.

I was thinking...I'm going out of town until the end of the week. Let's play a little game, shall we?

You help me find the photo credit for this image. First person to find it and leave a comment gets a prize/goody. Don't know what it will be, but it will be something fun. Maybe a vintage treasure!

Let's give credit where credit is due!

Happy Hunting!


Wild.. Never seen this one..... I'm curious too....Maybe Rapunzel lived there!!!! maryanne xo
a. said…
I've definitely seen this photo before but haven't been able to find the exact one in my searches...here is a similar one - same idea!

Unknown said…
wow- the things you find! how is that even possible- oh could I live there...

TIG said…
hello lynn! believe that photo is part of a photoshop contest from here:


have a fantastic trip!
Roseline, you never cease to amaze me!! Congrats to you!!

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