This is the most fun interactive quiz from
Pentagram that determines what kind of font or type (face) best matches you.
Based a four step process of personality questions, it takes all of 4 minutes of your time, and you'll get quite a chuckle!
After answering the therapist's impatient questions, it was revealed that I am "
Architype Van
Doesburg." I'm not particularly fond of this typeface, but who can question the therapist?
ps - Did you notice the wooden hand model in the back is positioned so it's flipping you off? Seriously... every shot. LOL!
I wanted to stop over and thank you for the anniversary comment you left over the weekend. You're the best!!!
Love handles ? Happy ? I don't think so ! Fun test Lynn ... thank you !
Going back over to see "the hand" ... hmmm
But what I want to know is: Lynn, how did you manage to get the pictures posted? There is some trick I don't know...I was not able to get image file property out of those pages - they are Flash, right?