Inspiring Images...COLOR!
As we head into the Fall season, we experience such beauty as the Autumn leaves turning their amazing colors.
I thought I'd share some lovely images I've recently come across that scream "color infusion" as we get ready for our upcoming season. And, they're not all your typical Autumn hues...
I thought I'd share some lovely images I've recently come across that scream "color infusion" as we get ready for our upcoming season. And, they're not all your typical Autumn hues...
artichokes ~ inimini
Simi, Greece ~ Steven Ford
We Hold the Future ~ Irena S.
argyle legs & leaves ~ fountaincoke
Wishing you all a fabulous weekend!!
first photo: daffodil
Wishing you all a fabulous weekend!!
first photo: daffodil
Your pics are just wonderful!
Thank you for sharing!